最新報告の概要 '96-2001

Keiko Kuroda: Responses of Quercus sapwood to infection with the pathogenic fungus of a new wilt disease vectored by the barkbeetle Platypus quercivorus. J. Wood Science 47: , 2001. Quercus serrata and Q. crispula wilt during the summer in wide areas along the Sea of Japan. Mass attacks of trees by an ambrosia beetle (Platypus quercivorus) are characteristic before the appearance of wilting symptoms. This study investigated the pathogenic effects of a fungus detected specifically in the wilting trees. This fungus, tentatively named Ooak fungus, has a distribution that correlates the discolored xylem area called wound heartwood, in which vessels were dysfunctional. Tylosis formation around the hyphae indicates the vessel dysfunction. In the areas under discoloration, the fungal hyphae were invading living ray parenchyma cells from vessel lumen. As a protective reaction, the ray cells exuded yellow substances into the vessels. However, these substances seemed ineffective against fungal activity, probably because the fungus disperses along the beetle's gallery before enough substance could accumulate. It should allow the wide discoloration in sapwood. Cambium was not necrotic around the fungus. Cytological process in the host was as follows: (1) Synthesis of secondary metabolites by the stimuli of oak fungus, (2) exudation of yellow substances into vessels, and (3) dysfunction of vessels and wound heartwood formation. In the wilting incidence of trees, pathogenicity of the fungus should be assessed by the ability to stop sap-flow.

Key words: Ambrosia beetle, Xylem discoloration, Wound heartwood, Vessel dysfunction, Secondary metabolites


黒田慶子:ヒノキ漏脂病の罹病樹 齢および樹脂流出促進要因の解剖学的検討 木材学会誌 46:503-509,2000  漏脂症状を示す樹幹の師部には傷害樹脂道が多層認められた。被害の多い林分では,漏脂症状の無い個体でも樹脂道が形成されていた。このような個体は健全木ではなく「罹病しているが未発症」と考えるべきであろう。形成から3年以上経過した古い師部には傷害樹脂道は形成されないという知見から,罹病樹齢は5〜8年生ごろの若齢期に遡り,発症までに年数がかかることが明らかになった。本病の罹病要因や発生環境を把握するには,若齢時にさかのぼった調査が必要である。発症個体では樹幹全周に樹脂道が認められ,エピセリウム細胞の分化を促す刺激が樹幹全体に加えられていることが示唆された。環境や生理的要因が樹脂道形成促進に影響する可能性がある。金沢の11年生個体を除いて,発症個体には形成層の部分的壊死が認められ,壊死部では樹脂嚢の発達が顕著であった。成長がおう盛な林分で樹脂漏出と形成層壊死が促進される傾向があった。

Keiko Kuroda: Seasonal variation in traumatic resin canal formation in Chamaecyparis obtusa phloem. IAWA J. 19: 181-189, 1998. Trunks of Chamaecyparis obtusa were injured to examine the seasonal differences in traumatic resin canal formation in secondary phloem. Even after the wounding during winter, differentiation of axial parenchyma into epithelium was initiated, and vertical resin canals formed. After winter wounding, resin canal development was slower, the tangential extent of resin canals was narrower, and it took one to two months until resin secretion began. After spring wounding, the sites of resin canal formation were the one- and 2-year-old annual ring of phloem. In August, the location shifted into the current and one-year-old annual ring. Resin canals never formed in areas that were 3 or more years old. In C. obtusa trunks that are affected by the resinous stem canker, numerous tangential lines of resin canals are found throughout the phloem, not just recent and 1--2 year old phloem. The present research indicates that these many lines of resin canals were not formed at one time, and that the stimuli that induce traumatic resin canals must occur repeatedly over many years. The data on artificial wounding effects are useful for understanding resinous stem canker.

Key words: Traumatic resin canal, secondary phloem, Chamaecyparis obtusa, resinous stem canker, injury


黒田慶子・清野嘉之: ヒノキ樹幹肥大成長の傷つけ法による測定––バンド式デンドロメータとの比較–– 日林誌, 78 (2), 183-189, 1996. 樹幹肥大成長の季節的変化,年変化を追跡する簡便な方法としてバンド式デンドロメータによる樹幹周囲長の測定値が利用されている.しかしこの測定値には樹幹の収縮や膨潤による変動が含まれ,短期間の肥大成長を正確には反映しないと報告されている.木部の肥大成長については「刺針法」つまり樹幹に細い針を刺して,木部に形成された傷害組織を目印とする測定方法が考案されており,成長過程の追跡が可能である.バンド式デンドロメータを装着したヒノキ(Chamaecyparis obtusa (S. et Z.) Endl.) 樹幹に,毎月,周囲長の記録と同時に,刺針の代用としてナイフによる切り傷を一定間隔でつけ,2年経過した後,試料を採取した.傷害組織を含む木部を顕微鏡で観察し,各傷害日までに形成されたていた木部の範囲を測定した.この傷つけ法による測定では,デンドロメータによる測定結果と異なり,樹幹の肥大成長速度は成長期の途中で一度低下した後,夏期に再度加速される傾向が認められた.デンドロメータによる測定では,高温で乾燥する夏季には樹幹が収縮し,降雨後に膨潤するといった生物的要因以外の現象が含まれてしまうことを明らかにした.


黒田慶子・山田利博:ナラ類の集団枯損にみられる辺材の変色と通水機能の低下 日林誌, 78 (1), 84-88, 1996. 近年日本海沿岸で増加しつつあるコナラ・ミズナラの集団枯損は常にカシノナガキクイムシの大量侵入を伴うため,この甲虫による被害であると認識されてきた.しかし枯損の原因は不明である.7月から10月まで,カシノナガキクイムシの穿入や葉の萎凋がみられる個体を伐到し,樹幹断面を観察して萎凋の原因およびメカニズムについて検討した.穿入孔のある個体全てに辺材部の褐変つまり傷害心材の形成が認められた.この変色部はすでに通水機能を失った組織である.変色範囲は穿入孔が多い樹幹下部で広い傾向があった.樹幹に色素液を注入して木部の通導を調べるとカシノナガキクイムシ穿入個体では吸入量が非常に少なく,樹液の上昇が著しく阻害されていることが判明した.カシノナガキクイムシの孔道周辺の大径道管には菌糸の分布が認められ,この甲虫により持ち込まれた菌と推定された.葉の萎凋に先だって樹幹下部では変色が拡大し,当年輪の大径道管にもチロースが形成されていることから木部の通水は停止していることがわかった.その位置より上部では水分欠乏により材の乾燥や形成層壊死,葉の萎凋が起こるものと判断された.


黒田慶子:Acoustic emission technique for the detection of abnormal cavitation in pine trees infected with pine wilt disiease. International symposium on pine wilt disease caused by pine wood nematode. China, Proceedings 53-58, 1995 Xylem sap is kept under tension during the period of active transpiration. As a common event, water columns in healthy plant stems are cut at many sites when the tension becomes too strong during fine midday, and many water conduits are dehydrated. Such cavitated tracheids or vessels are refilled during nights again. Therefore, sap ascent does not blocked significantly in healthy plants. Cavitation events invisible from outside of trunks are detectable by acoustic emission (AE) technique. In healthy pine trees, AE started around 7 o'clock on the fine and hot summer days. It stopped around 18 o'clock slightly before sunset. AE events rate was highest during 12 to 14 o'clock. Pinus thunbergii trees infected with pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) wilt within a few months. It is assumed that xylem dysfunction in infected trees should be attributable to cavitation without refilling during nights. On that hypothesis, AE from infected trees was monitored. On a day from 1 to 2 week(s) after the nematode inoculation, AE event increased after sunset, and reached over 10 times of normal case on the next day. AE continued during nights after that. On the cross-cut surfaces of the trunk sampled immediate after the period of extremely high AE rate, dehydrated areas were found as many white spots. Xylem dried within very short period during the following 1 or 2 week(s). When AE events decreased lower than normal around 4th week, cambium was partly necrotic, xylem was desiccated, and the tree was already close to the death. Disease symptom such as apex wilting and leaf discoloration became distinct after that. The monitoring of AE could catch the firs physiological abnormality of pine trunks clearly at the very early stage after the infection with the pathogenic nematodes.

Key words: Pinus thunbergii, pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, AE, cavitation, water conduction
