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Joint Workshop on

NQP-skutterudites and NPM in multi-approach

November 21 Monday - 24 Thursday, 2005

Tokyo Metropolitan University (Hachioji, Tokyo)

Thank you for your participation.

"Evolution of New Quantum Phenomena Realized in the Filled Skutterudite Structure",
"New Phase of Matter in Multidisciplinary Approach",
"Osaka University, 21st Century Center of Excellence Program
Core Research and Advanced Education Center for Materials Science and Nano-Engineering
supported by a Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT)

Oral session program (html) fixed (11 Nov)

Poster session program (html) (8 Nov)

Internet connection available under the condition (9 Nov)

Download pdf file: program(232KB); abstracts (oral(3.2MB), PA(5.3MB), PB(4.2MB))

!! Do not print abstracts!! A printed abstract booklet is distributed to a participant.