
特命准教授柘植 謙爾 Kenji Tsuge


埼玉大学 工学部 環境化学工学科 卒業
東京工業大学大学院 総合理工学研究科 環境物理工学専攻 修了
東京工業大学大学院 総合理工学研究科 化学環境工学専攻 博士課程修了 博士(工学)
日本学術振興会 特別研究員
三菱化学生命科学研究所 特別研究員
慶応義塾大学先端生命科学研究所 特任講師
神戸大学大学院 科学技術イノベーション研究科 特命准教授
神戸大学 先端バイオ工学研究センター 兼任


  1. Yokomori, M., Tsuge, K., Shohda, K., Suyama, A. (2019/08) Improved measurement of absolute mRNA quantity without reversetranscription. Analytical Biochemistry, 579, 1-8
  2. Vavricka, CJ., Yoshida, T., Kuriya, Y., Takahashi, S., Ogawa, T., Ono, F., Agari, K., Kiyota, H., Li, J., Ishii, J., Tsuge, K., Minami, H., Araki, M.*, Hasunuma, T.*, Kondo, A. (2019/05) Mechanism-based tuning of insect 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde synthase for synthetic bioproduction of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids, Nature Communications, 10, 2015
  3. Tamano, K., Cox Ⅲ, RS., Tsuge, K., Miura, A., Itoh, A., Ishii, J., Tamura, T., Kondo, A., Machida, M. (2019/04) Heterologous production of free dihomo-ɤ-linolenic acid by Aspergillus oryzae and its extracellular release via surfactant supplementation, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 127, 451-457
  4. Chang, JJ., Anandharaj, M., Ho, CY., Tsuge, K., Tsai, TY., Ke, HM., Lin, YJ., Ha Tran, MD., Li, WH., Huang, CC. (2018/06) Biomimetic strategy for constructing Clostridium thermocellum cellulosomal operons in Bacillus subtilis. Biotechnol. Biofuels, 11, 157
  5. Chin, WC., Lin, KH., Liu, CC., Tsuge, K., Huang, CC. (2017/04) Improved n-butanol production via co-expression of membrane-targeted tilapia metallothionein and the clostridial metabolic pathway in Escherichia coli. BMC Biotechnology, 17, 36
  6. Han, CH., Tsuge, K., Iba, H. (2016/07) Optimization of artificial operon construction by consultation algorithms utilizing LCS, 2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 4273-4280
  7. Tsuge, K., Sato, Y., Kobayashi, Y., Gondo, M., Hasebe, M., Togashi, T., Tomita, M., Itaya, M. (2015/05) Method of preparing an equimolar DNA mixture for one-step DNA assembly of over 50 fragments, Scientific Reports, 5, 10655
  8. Chen, SK., Chin, WC., Tsuge, K., Huang, CC., Li, SY. (2013/10) Fermentation approach for enhancing 1-butanol production using engineered butanologenic Escherichia coli, Bioresource Technology, 145, 204-209
  9. Honma, M., Tanaka, K., Konno, K., Tsuge, K., Okuno, T., Hashimotoa, M. (2012/06) Termination of the structural confusion between plipastatin A1 and fengycin IX, Bioorganic & Medichinal Chemistry, 20, 3793-3798
  10. Hiroe, A., Tsuge, K., Nomura, C. T., Itaya, M., Tsuge, T. (2012/05) Rearrangement of gene order in the phaCAB operon leads to effective production of ultra-high-molecular-weight poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate] in genetically engineered Escherichia coli, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78, 3177-3184
  11. Itaya, M., Tsuge, K. (2011) Chapter nineteen - Construction and Manipulation of Giant DNA by a Genome Vector, Methods in Enzymology, 498, 47-447
  12. Tsuge, K., Nakahigashi, K., Togashi, T., Hasebe, M., Takai, Y., Hasegawa, M., Tomita, M., Itaya, M. (2010/12) An artificial glycolysis operon library toward elucidation of possible "operon rule", Genes & Genetic Systems, 85(6), 454-454
  13. Nakagawa, Y., Yugi, K., Tsuge, K., Itaya, M., Yanagawa, H., Sakakibara, Y. (2009/06) Operon structure optimization by random self-assembly, Natural Computing, 9(1), 173-181
  14. Itaya, M., Fujita, K., Kuroki, A., Tsuge, K. (2008/01) Bottom-up genome assembly using the Bacillus subtilis genome vector, Nature Methods, 5, 41-43
  15. Kuroki, A., Ohtani, N., Tsuge, K., Tomita, M., Itaya, M. (2007/09) Conjugational transfer system to shuttle giant DNA cloned by Bacillus subtilis genome (BGM) vector, Gene, 399, 72-80
  16. Tsuge, K., Matsui, K., Itaya, M. (2007/05) Production of the non-ribosomal peptide plipastatin in Bacillus subtilis regulated by three relevant gene blocks assembled in a single movable DNA segment, Journal of Biotechnology, 129, 592-603
  17. Nishizaki, T., Tsuge, K., Itaya, M., Doi, N., Yanagawa, H. (2007/02) Metabolic engineering of carotenoid biosynthesis in Escherichia coli by ordered gene assembly in Bacillus subtilis, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 73, 1355-1361
  18. Ueda, T., Itaya, M., Tsuge, K., Fujita, K., Matsuda, M., Mishizawa, M., Sugiura, W. (2006/01) Reconstruction of HIV-1 full genome clones with Bacillus subtilis, Antiviral therapy, 11(5), S192
  19. Itaya, M., Tsuge, K., Koizumi, M., Fujita, K. (2005/11) Combining two genomes in one Cell: Stable cloning of the cyanobacterium PCC6803 genome in the Bacillus subtilis 168 genome, Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 102, 15971-15976
  20. Tsuge, K., Inoue, S., Ano, T., Itaya, M., Shoda, M. (2005/11) Horizontal transfer of iturin A operon, itu, to Bacillus subtilis 168 and conversion into an iturin A producer, Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy, 49, 4641- 4648
  21. Kaneko, S., Akioka, M., Tsuge, K., Itaya, M. (2005/06) DNA shuttling between plasmid vectors and a genome vector: systematic conversion and preservation of DNA libraries using the Bacillus subtilis genome (BGM) vector, Journal of Molecular Biology, 349, 1036-1044
  22. Uotsu-Tomita, R., Kaneko, S., Tsuge, K., Itaya, M. (2005/05) Insertion of unmarked DNA sequences in multiple loci of the Bacillus subtilis 168 genome: an efficient selection method, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 69, 1036-1039
  23. Tomita, S., Tsuge, K., Kikuchi, Y., Itaya, M. (2004/06) Region dependent efficiency for recombinational transfer of the Bacillus subtilis 168 genome, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 68, 1382-1384
  24. Tomita, S., Tsuge, K., Kikuchi, Y., Itaya, M. (2004/04) Targeted isolation of a designated region of the Bacillus subtilis genome by recombinational transfer, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 70, 2508-2513
  25. Tsuge, K., Matsui, K., Itaya, M. (2003/11) One step assembly of multiple DNA fragments with a designed order and orientation in Bacillus subtilis plasmid, Nucleic Acids Research, 31, e133
  26. Itaya, M., Fujita, K., Ikeuchi, M., Koizumi, M., Tsuge, K. (2003/10) Stable positional cloning of long continuous DNA in the Bacillus subtilis genome vector, The Journal of Biochemistry (Tokyo), 134, 513-519
  27. Kaneko, S., Tsuge, K., Takeuchi, T., Itaya, M. (2003/09) Conversion of sub-megasized DNA to desired structures using a novel Bacillus subtilis genome vector, Nucleic Acids Research, 31, e112
  28. Ohashi, Y., Ohshima, H., Tsuge, K., Itaya, M. (2003/04) Far different levels of gene expression provided by an oriented cloning system in Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli, FEMS Microbiol Letters, 221, 125-130
  29. Tsuge, K., Ohata, Y., Shoda, M. (2001/12) Gene yerP, involved in surfactin self-resistance in Bacillus subtilis, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 45, 3566-3573
  30. Tsuge, K., Akiyama, T., Shoda, M. (2001/11) Cloning, sequencing, and characterization of the iturin A operon, Journal of Bacteriology, 183, 6265-6273
  31. Tsuge, K., Itaya, M. (2001/09) Recombinational transfer of 100-kilobase genomic DNA to plasmid in Bacillus subtilis 168, Journal of Bacteriology, 183, 5453-5458
  32. Itaya, M., Nagata, T., Shiroishi, T., Fujita, K., Tsuge, K. (2000/11) Efficient cloning and engineering of giant DNAs in a novel Bacillus subtilis genome vector, The Journal of Biochemistry (Tokyo), 128, 869-875
  33. Tsuge, K., Ano, T., Hirai, M., Nakamura, Y., Shoda, M. (1999/09) The genes degQ, pps, and lpa-8 (sfp) are responsible for conversion of Bacillus subtilis 168 to plipastatin production, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 43, 2183-2192
  34. Tsuge, K., Ano, T., Shoda, M. (1996/04) Isolation of a gene essential for biosynthesis of the lipopeptide antibiotics plipastatin B1 and surfactin in Bacillus subtilis YB8, Archives of Microbiology, 165, 243-251
  35. Tsuge, K., Ano, T., Shoda, M. (1995/12) Characterization of Bacillus subtilis YB8, Coproducer of lipopeptides surfactin and plipastatin B1, The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 41, 541-545


  1. 柘植謙爾, 寺井悟朗, 谷内江望, DBTLサイクルに即した長鎖DNA構築技術の開発, 特集 NEDOスマートセルプロジェクト, 長鎖DNA合成・解析技術の開発, バイオサイエンスとインダストリー(B&I), vol.77(5), 408-409 (2019/09)
  2. 柘植謙爾, 石井純, 荒木通啓, 近藤昭彦, ゲノム合成の潮流のインパクト 微生物による物質生産, 現代化学, 1月号, No.562, <特集>生命をつくる:ゲノム編集の時代, 36-41 (2018/01)
  3. 柘植謙爾, 板谷光泰, 合成生物学を意識した,核酸改変技術の現状と展望-5,ゲノム再編集のための遺伝子クラスター単位の構築,化学と生物,54(10), 740-746 (2016/09)
  4. 柘植謙爾, 板谷光泰, 第二世代OGAB法が可能にした50個以上のDNA断片集積,バイオサイエンスとインダストリー,73, 471-475 (2015/11)
  5. 柘植謙爾, 板谷光泰, 枯草菌を用いた遺伝子集積法のOGAB法による長鎖DNA合成,日本生物工学会誌,93, 527-529 (2015/09)
  6. 板谷光泰, 柘植謙爾, 長鎖DNAの合成と合成生物工学での活用,日本生物工学会誌,91, 319-321(2013/06)
  7. 柘植謙爾, 板谷光泰, ゲノムビルダーおよびゲノムデザイナーとしての枯草菌, 日本生物工学会誌, 90, 280-283 (2012/06)
  8. 柘植謙爾, オペロンデザインへの挑戦, 生物工学会誌, 85, 415 (2007/09)
  9. 板谷光泰, 柘植謙爾, メガクローニングとキメラゲノム ゲノムデザイン過程での未知との遭遇, 化学と生物, 45(4), 226-228 (2007/04)
  10. 板谷光泰, 柘植謙爾, 小泉真貴, 藤田京子, ゲノムベクターを用いたゲノム丸ごとクローニング, 蛋白質核酸酵素, 51, 61-67 (2006/01)
  11. 柘植謙爾, 板谷光泰, 枯草菌ゲノムベクターを用いた遺伝子集積技術, Bio ベンチャー, 4, 34-37 (2004/02)


  1. 柘植謙爾, 高橋俊介, 近藤昭彦, OGAB法による長鎖DNA合成技術, スマートセルインダストリー -微生物細胞を用いた物質生産の展望-, 第1編 ハイスループット合成・分析・評価技術, 第1章 ハイスループット長鎖DNA合成技術, 19-25, シーエムシー出版 (2018/06)
  2. Itaya, M., Kaneko, S., Tsuge, K. Chapter 4 Efficient and accurate production of de novo designed large-size gene clusters by a novel Bacillus subtilis-based system. In Microbial Production, Anazawa, H., and Shimizu, S. eds. Springer (2014)
  3. Itaya, M., Tsuge, K. Chapter 9 Genome integrity, instability and construction In Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis; the frontiers of molecular microbiology revisited. Sadaie, Y., and Matsumoto, K. eds. Research Signpost (2012)
  4. 柘植謙爾, 板谷光泰, 第1章ゲノムからの視点「ゲノム再構築技術の応用と課題:汎用性,迅速性,コスト」, 合成生物工学の隆起―有用物質の新たな生産法構築をめざして―, シーエムシー出版, 1-9 (2012/04)
  5. 柘植謙爾(他共同執筆者多数), ひらく、ひらく「バイオの世界」14歳からの生物工学入門, 日本生物工学会編, 化学同人 (2012/10)
  6. Itaya, M., Tsuge, K. Construction and manipulation of giant DNA by use of a genome vector, Methods in Enzymol, 498, 427-448, Elsevier (2011/05)
  7. Tsuge, K., Itaya, M. Chapter 5: Gene Cluster or Operon Design by Ordered Gene Assembly in Bacillus subtilis (OGAB) Method. In Bioengineering: Principles, Methodologies and Applications, Nova Science Publishers, 153-168 (2011/03)
  8. 柘植謙爾, 板谷光泰, 枯草菌による革新的遺伝子集積法と物質生産微生物機能を活用した革新的生産技術の最前線, シーエムシー出版社, 65-76 (2007/12)