Reviews and Books

In Situ Photo-on-Demand Phosgenation Reactions with Chloroform for the Synthesis of Polycarbonates and Polyurethanes
Akihiko Tsuda
Polym. J. 2023, 55, 903–912. [Open Access]
津田 明彦
機能性ポリウレタンの開発と応用, シーエムシー出版, 2023, 265–277.
津田 明彦
光化学, 2021, 52, 149–152.
津田 明彦
科学と工業, 2018, 92, 31-37.
津田 明彦
現代化学(東京化学同人)2015, No. 536, 41-46.
*Highlighted in Cover Picture, *表紙でハイライト
Hydrodynamic Helical Orientations of Nanofibers in a Vortex.
Akihiko Tsuda
Symmetry 2014, 6, 383–395. Open Access
堀田 泰久, 津田 明彦
超音波TECHNO 2014, 26, 6-10.
津田 明彦
KAWADE夢ムック/文藝別冊「モーツァルト」, 河出書房新社,2013, 138–147.
Porphyrin Nanoclusters for Sensoring Chemical and Physical Stimuli
Akihiko Tsuda
Multiporphyrin Arrays: Fundamentals and Applications, Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., 2012, 629–653.
Edited by Dongho Kim
超分子が渦の中でらせんを巻く?! ⎯超分子ナノファイバー溶液の撹拌による光学活性の誘起⎯
津田 明彦
化学, 化学同人, 2009, 64, 18–22.
*Highlighted in Cover Picture
Design of Porphyrin Nanoclusters Toward Discovery of the Novel Properties and Functions
Akihiko Tsuda
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 2009, 82, 11-28. (Award Accounts) Open Access
光機能性デンドリマー 光捕集アンテナ機能を中心に
相田 卓三, 金原 数, 田代 健太郎, 津田 明彦
超分子科学 ナノ材料創製に向けて 中嶋 直敏 編著, 化学同人, 2004, 287–297.
Akihiko Tsuda, and Takuzo Aida
Nanotechnology handbook (Chapter 3-4-9), 2003, volume 1, 130–135.
Molecular Wire
Akihiko Tsuda, and Takuzo Aida
Nanotechnology handbook (Chapter 3-2-4), 2003, volume 1, 78–82.
津田 明彦, 相田 卓三
ナノテク活用技術のすべて (3章), 2002, 88–91.
Directly Linked and Fused Oligoporphyrin Arrays
Akihiko Tsuda, Naoya Yoshida, Aiko Nakano, Naoki Aratani, and Atsuhiro Osuka
Advanced Macromolecular and Supramolecular Materials and Processes, 2003, 115–123.
Directly Linked and Fused Oligoporphyrin Arrays from Oxidation of Metalloporphyrins
Akihiko Tsuda, and Atsuhiro Osuka
Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 2002, 41, 77–81. 
Discrete Conjugated Porphyrin Tapes with an Exceptionally Small Bandgap
Akihiko Tsuda, and Atsuhiro Osuka
Adv. Mater. 2002, 14, 75–79.
津田 明彦,大須賀 篤弘
光化学 2001, 32, 17–19. 
Discrete Giant Porphyrin Arrays; Changes to Molecular Size, Length, and the Extent of Electronic pi-Conjugation
Naoki. Aratani, Akihiko Tsuda, and Atsuhiro Osuka
Synlett 2001, 11, 1663–1674.